GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS: EIR recommends shopping from local growers/producers whenever possible. We also recommend you purchase foods that are: (i) organic (pesticide free) and/or produced by growers who use sustainable food practices; (ii) GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) free; (iii) MSG (Monosodium glutamate) free, and (iii) antibiotic-free. Choose raw (unrefined/non-processed) organic options, including sweeteners whenever possible.
PANTRY ESSENTIALS: “Pantry Essentials” are items to keep on hand at all times. Generally, these are non-perishable items that can be purchased once a month, or up to once every six months, depending on item and frequency of use. Pantry essentials and other dried goods may be stored in your pantry and used until you run out or the packaging “use by” date, whichever occurs first. Check your pantry before shopping each week to note items that need replacing. Each week’s shopping list is comprised of ingredients needed to prepare meals for the applicable week. Compare list with what’s in your pantry, and only restock as needed.